Making your life easier
Why we're different

Own your own royalties & Copyright
We’re not a traditional, hybrid, or vanity publisher, so we don’t keep any of your royalties or copyright.
It’s all yours.

Diversity & Inclusion
We believe that the publishing industry should be more diverse & inclusive, including socio-economic background, ethnicity, gender, & neurodivergence.

Eco-friendly & Sustainable
The creation of books shouldn’t involve the destruction of our planet, so we support and are working on sustainable practices.

Making the world a better place
We’re here to make the world a better place, from supporting charities to offering work experience to young people.

Industry Expertise
We’ve got a range of industry expertise over the years from traditional to self-publishing to best inform you.
What makes us different
We regularly get asked “Are you a publisher?” and the answer is no. Technically, we’re a self-publishing services provider, but that’s not a very catchy name, and you’d be forgiven for not knowing what it means. It helps to first know the difference between a traditional publisher and self-publishing.
Put simply, traditional publishing is when a company produces and distributes your book in exchange for a share of the sales profits (often 90-95%). Self-publishing is when you are your own publisher, taking control of producing and distributing your book and retaining all of the profits. In the middle, there are hybrid publishers who offer a varied balance of control and profits (often taking 20-50%).
We bridge the gap between traditional publishing and self-publishing, giving you the expertise and insider experience of the former while you retain the control and profits of the latter. In other words, you get the best of both worlds. Not only that but you avoid the 99% chance of being rejected by traditional publishers and get to publish on average 5-10 times faster with us than with a traditional publisher. It’s win-win.

We will always be honest with you about your book, like whether your manuscript is good enough or whether your cover design idea is horrible. Constructive honesty is at the heart of what we do.

We are not a publisher, so you keep your royalties, copyright, and autonomy. We give you guidance and opinions based on our industry experience and knowledge, but ultimately, it is always your choice.

We have a small, trusted team, so your book won’t be handed around to countless, nameless people. You’ll get to know us and our team. In fact, many of the authors we work with us on their future books, and we are proud to call many of them our friends.

Speed really isn’t the essence of what we do (quality is), but we will still help you publish between five and ten times faster than with a traditional publisher i.e., in your book will be out in the world in months rather than years.

We’re a company driven by our values, and we like to work with people who are values-driven too, so we love working with authors who want to make the world a better place. We’re accredited with the Ethical Tick from the Good Shopping Guide.
When you work with us, you get:
- A clear terms of business
- An author handbook so you know your role and our role
- A project management page on our software
- 10 acres of rainforest protected with the Rainforest Trust
- 100% of your royalties
- A team behind you who care about your book as much as you do!