The Book Shelf

Do You Really Need a Book Editor? Yes, and This Is Why

Do You Really Need a Book Editor? Yes, and This Is Why

by Hana Walker Imagine this: you’ve dedicated the past couple of years to working on a new book that you are obsessed with. It’s the longest you have ever spent on a project and you’re excited to get it out into the world. But there’s just one issue—you’ve heard that most books get edited and […]

How Do You Make a Self-Published Book Look Professional?

How Do You Make a Self-Published Book Look Professional

by Ameesha Smith-Green Self-publishing can be a fantastic thing. It gives any aspiring author the ability to publish a book without encountering the barriers of the traditional publishing industry. However, self-publishing has a reputation as “the poor man’s publishing” due to the high number of amateur, unedited, and unprofessional-looking books put out there. If you’re […]

12 Hours in York: An indie book shopping and tea drinking heaven

12 Hours in York 3

by Ameesha Smith-Green The pretty cathedral city of York is well-known for its black and white wooden buildings and confectionary, such as local fudge; but it’s also a haven for bookworms and tea drinkers with its thriving independent coffeeshop scene and an abundance of indie bookshops. As the city is compact, it’s easy to fit […]

Facing Our Literary History: Is “cancel culture” threatening the classics?

Cancel Culture 2

by Beth Hutton The question of whether we can separate an artist from their work persists not only within the contemporary publishing industry, but also current discussions surrounding British literary classics. “Cancel culture” is a hot topic in this growing debate, and it seems no one is free from its watchful eye. Roald Dahl, Shakespeare, […]

Your 5-Step Guide on How to Become an Author in 2022

How to Become an Author in 2022

by Ameesha Smith-Green So, 2022 is the year you’re going to become an author, right? Whether you set a New Year’s Resolution to write more or a goal to become a published author, it can seem daunting and you might not know where to start or how to reach the point of having a printed […]

Reflections on 2021: A year of book launches, teamwork, and charity

2021 Reflections

by Ameesha Smith-Green 2021 was a year to forget for many reasons, but we also like to look back on the positives and end the year with a little reflection on what went well and what could have gone better. While this year was tough with Covid, restrictions, and business uncertainty, it was actually a […]

Physical Books vs. E-books: How is technology changing our reading habits?

Physical books vs e-books 2

by Becky Tandy Recently, I had an interesting conversation with a friend about whether print or digital books are better. Although I typically read print books, I argued that it’s very convenient to have possibly thousands of books on one device, especially with a subscription service such as Kindle Unlimited. But they made an interesting […]

Does a Million Social Media Followers Translate to a Million Book Sales?

Billie Eilish blog

by Ameesha Smith-Green When it comes to pitching a manuscript to agents or publishers, having an author platform is seen as essential these days. However, a recent article from The New York Times is causing a big stir on the subject of followers; titled Millions of Followers? For Book Sales, ‘It’s Unreliable.’, it argues that millions of followers […]

5 Winter Holiday Destinations for Book Lovers

5 Winter Holiday Destinations for Book Lovers

by Beth Hutton If you’re anything like me, then you’ll agree there’s nothing better than cosying up on the sofa with a cup of tea, a crackling fire, and a good book on a chilly winter’s evening. But for many of us, the encroaching winter months can incite a bookworm’s affliction; although I’m a sucker […]

10 Best Gifts for Book Lovers (That Aren’t Just Books)

10 Best Gifts for Book Lovers (That Aren't Just Books)

by Hana Walker With the holiday season fast approaching, it can sometimes feel overwhelming trying to find the perfect gifts for the people you love. And when getting a present for a book lover, it can be all too easy to settle for buying the latest bestseller, even if you’re not sure they will like […]

Cancelling “Cancel Culture”: What the new social buzzword means for the world of publishing

Cancelling Cancel Culture

by Beth Hutton Cancel culture is gaining momentum across academic circles and social media platforms alike, as people have been calling for authors, celebrities, and other public figures to be “cancelled” for their failure to comply with modern sensibilities. Even the statuses of canonical, traditionally celebrated authors—from Shakespeare to Mark Twain to J. K. Rowling—are […]

Top 5 Marketing Trends Authors Should Not Overlook

Top 5 Marketing Trends Authors Should Not Overlook

Sometimes, marketing your book can be harder than writing it. There are so many different strategies out there that it can quickly become confusing and overwhelming. At The Book Shelf, we’ve compiled a list of book marketing trends that will help you as an author gain a greater understanding of what’s hot right now and […]

Binge Culture and Its Impact on the Publishing Industry

Binge Culture and Its Impact on the Publishing Industry

by Becky Tandy With the growing popularity of streaming services such as Netflix and Disney+, bingeing has become a mainstream phenomenon. Roughly 80% of adults in the UK say they binge-watch content to some extent. But for reading enthusiasts, how does bingeing a book compare to indulging in a moreish TV show? And how has […]

New to Reading? A guide to starting a love affair with reading

New to Reading

by Summer Black Some people are born to read, but others don’t fall in love with books until later in life. For first-timers, the idea of picking up a book and reading it front to back might seem daunting, but don’t worry—we’ve got some tips and tricks to help you embark on your journey. Fiction […]

Your Guide to Writing a Nonfiction Book This NaNoWriMo

Your Guide to Writing a Nonfiction Book This NaNoWriMo

by Olga Bialasik With November right around the corner, writers all around the world are preparing for NaNoWriMo—National Novel Writing Month. At The Book Shelf, we like to swap the “Novel” for “Nonfiction”. Do you have an idea for a nonfiction book? Have you been looking for an excuse to start writing it? This November […]

A Book Lover’s Guide to the Best of Birmingham

A Book Lover’s Guide to the Best of Birmingham

by Beth Hutton With its rich literary history of liberal writers and radical thinkers, Birmingham is a creative hotspot for aspiring authors to flourish. So, whether you’re looking for a bustling writing space, the best coffee to complement your next novel, or a quiet read in the morning sun, this bookworms’ guide to Brum has […]

What’s the Best Way to Self-Publish My Memoir?

What's the Best Way to Self-Publish My Memoir?

by Phoebe Geary Memoirs are one of the most popular genres of narrative nonfiction for both readers and writers. They’re inspiring and uplifting, educational and entertaining, and they remind us that we each have a unique tale to tell. If you want to get your story out there but don’t know how to, self-publishing can […]

Will Bookshops Ever Die Out?

Will Bookshops Ever Die Out?

by Shakira Morar No one in the industry can certainly say whether bookshops will die out—and if they do, when that time will come. But we can look at the evidence and trends to gain a better idea of what may happen in the future…  Physical books vs. e-books In the past decade, there has […]