Around the World in 8 Nonfiction Books: The Book Shelf Edition
by Shakira Morar
Many of the authors we work with are based all over the world! Here are eight of their nonfiction books and where they were based when they wrote them:

(Descriptions taken and modified from the Amazon website descriptions.)
1. #Life: The Wisdom of Philosophy, Psychology and Pop-culture for Living a Better Life by Jym Brown, UK
From Homer to Homer Simpson, Confucius to Michael Jordan, and Shakespeare to Jim Carrey, #Life shows you the parallels between the greatest thinkers of old and the greatest influencers of our time. This innovative book combines the wisdom of ancient sages, modern research, and a host of enlightening quotes from movies, TV, and industry pioneers to deliver a compelling and thought-provoking read. You can use this insight to start living a better life regardless of your current situation or level of previous reading.
2. People Skills for Analytical Thinkers by Gilbert Eijkelenboom, Netherlands
Your analytical skills are incredibly valuable. However, rational thinking alone isn’t enough. Have you ever presented an idea, but then no one seemed to care? Explained your analysis, only to leave your colleague confused? Struggled to work with people who are less analytical and more emotional? In these situations, people skills make the difference and research shows they’re becoming increasingly important at work. Eijkelenboom describes human behavior in an analytical language, using algorithm and data metaphors. This will help you understand the human equation and excel at communication.
3. The Temple of Consciousness by Noah Agrotes, Cyprus
In this extraordinary, shocking, and unique book, you will discover how to escape your fate on Earth for the first time in the history of Homo sapiens. This book contains a new message for humanity—if we are to avoid destroying our species. It shines a light on a different way forward: the new fundamental life and the evolutionary way. The race for evolution has begun—are you ready to evolve?
4. Jumping Down the Rabbit Hole Existence: Why Existence Is by Glenn Baloban, Australia
Understanding what existence is has fascinated humankind for well over a millennium. The explanation for why existence is has always been the acts of gods or a God. But what if there was more to the creation of existence than our ancestors have lead us to believe? What if our own survival needs and beliefs have gotten in the way of us discovering the truth of why existence is? Baloban invites you to explore these very questions. So hold on and get ready for the read of a lifetime!
5. It’s Not Just About Running: Reflections on Life and Change in Egypt by A.I. Shoukry, Egypt
In this heartfelt memoir from a surgeon, a father, and a politician, Shoukry finds himself in despair and fear of losing his freedom. He decides to take a break from politics and start running, but will he find freedom? Witnessing the Egyptian revolution in 2011, chanting with the crowds “Bread, Freedom, Social Justice,” and living all its hopes and downfall, Shoukry shares unexpected bits of thought-provoking wisdom. If you’ve ever dreamed of running—for your health, for your mind, for therapy, this book is for you.
6. People as Assets: Building High Performance Organizations by Laide Abel, Nigeria
This book is a practical step-by-step blueprint for strategic people management. It brings out the details that make all the difference; it shows you how to be methodical and deliberate in positioning your people as true assets, delivering the value to make your organisation sustainably high-performing. Use this book to get the best out of your employees by reorienting your mind to truly view them as assets. This book calls out the strategic and the creative in you and in the philosophy of people management in the organisation.
7. Everythink: Wisdom 4 Freedom by Samba Lékouye, France
(Description taken and modified from our interview with the author.)
Everythink is a philosophical essay that visits all aspects of life, looking for the wisdom it has to give in order to find true freedom. It’s about provoking questions rather than feeding answers. It’s meant to make people think—for themselves, by themselves. It’s not a lesson. It is about questioning everything. The book is written in a way that can be read by randomly opening a page and just reading a line. The goal is to get people to reflect on their own situation.
8. Your Next Big Idea: Improve Your Creativity and Problem-Solving by Samuel Sanders, USA
This business and self-help creativity guide encourages innovation in aspiring entrepreneurs and business leaders. Have you ever looked at a product and thought “Why didn’t I think of that?” or “I’m just not a creative person!”? Improve problem-solving skills and increase the effectiveness of knowledge management in your organisation to come up with the next game-changing idea to hit the market.
So, what are you waiting for? Pick a book that suits you from this multicultural round-up of innovative nonfiction, check out the rest of our bookshelf, and keep an eye out for more projects coming your way from our authors!